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Discover The Team Committed To YOUR Health

Our Core Life team is comprised of dedicated professionals who are passionate about helping you achieve your health and wellness goals. With diverse backgrounds and expertise in various areas, our team members work together to provide you with a comprehensive and personalized experience.

Together, our Core Life team is committed to providing you with the highest level of care and support. We collaborate closely, leveraging our individual expertise to ensure a comprehensive and integrated approach to your wellness journey.

Dr Aaron

Dr. Aaron Gillespie

Founder; Health Coach

Dr. Aaron is a native of Washington State and has been a chiropractor for more than 30 years. He has been a long-standing member of the Washington State Chiropractic Association and has been a contributor to the Washington State Chiropractic Trust and the Spinal Research Institute.

Dr. Aaron is an author, a teacher and a speaker within the chiropractic profession, and has spoken to hundreds of organizations, businesses, and corporations on topics of health and Wellness.


He founded Core Chiropractic in 2003, with the mission to support patient wellness through a “whole person” approach. The most rewarding thing for Dr. Aaron is to see people get out of chronic pain, get off unnecessary medications, and get back to living the life they want to live without limitations.

To further his mission in life, he founded Core Life in 2023, where he assembled a group of coaches and advisors to take people through a journey of health and life transformation. 


Dr. Aaron's favorite things outside work are surfing, snowboarding, traveling, and spending time with his family.

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Skye Gillespie

Co-Founder; Health Coach; Personal Trainer

Skye Gillespie is a Skyview High School graduate who is in the process of becoming a certified personal trainer through NASM. He is dedicated to a life of activity, fitness, nutrition, and spreading the ideals of a healthy lifestyle.


His ambitions have mainly manifested in his fundamental support in creating Core Life. Using his knowledge gained through personal experience in healthy living, Skye was able to form the comprehensive healthy living program, Core Life, with the Core Life team. Skye's main goal is to help people achieve a happier, healthier life that they can feel great about.


Becki Neuman

Personal Trainer; Health Coach

Playing volleyball in college, Becki realized a key philosophy. As the captain, the team would go on runs through Portland before practice. She realized that she loved cheering for others because it made them go faster. Focusing on others also invigorated her to run even faster. And thus, a coach was born. 


Becki holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Science and a Bachelor of Science in Developmental Psychology. Ravenous for personal growth, she learns something everyday. Becki also has ongoing formal training with the nervous system and neuroscience. She trains, teaches yoga and group fitness online and has been coaching others on their health and mindset since 2015. 


She champions her clients to make LIFE their PLAYGROUND and ENJOY BEING HEALTHY! 


Becki coaches with a joyful spirit and steadfast commitment. 


Experienced with all ages, she has an affinity for senior clients and those with tremendous health challenges. She says that she “LOVES the body and mind connection and you will FEEL that she is your partner in health. Let’s get YOUR results, and have fun doing it!”


Melanie Frias

Nutrition Coach

Melanie has always known that her purpose in life was to help people. In 2010, she graduated with her B.S. in Kinesiology with a concentration in exercise and sport science and an emphasis in neuromuscular science. In 2017, Melanie graduated with her Doctorate of Chiropractic degree.


While in chiropractic school, she took several nutrition courses and that's where everything transformed for her. Her eyes were opened to a new concept; the body has an innate intelligence that knows exactly what to do and can do exactly what it needs to do, provided we give it what it needs to thrive and don't give it the things that make it fail. Shortly after graduating, Melanie started exhibiting symptoms of an autoimmune condition, which no longer allowed her to practice.


She still wanted to be involved in the chiropractic profession and as such, she is currently a chiropractic assistant at Core Chiropractic. Her symptoms drove her to adopt a real, whole-foods lifestyle. Melanie has since been able to keep most of her symptoms at bay through nutrition and the reduction of toxins.


Melanie is committed to educating people about how to invest in their health when it comes to nutrition and the food industry and toxic load. She believes that food should be used as a proponent to heal the body and that it has every ability to do so. It is her goal to help and empower people to make better and more sustainable choices when it comes to nutrition and toxic load so that they can live a healthy and fulfilling life.

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Gia Shaw

Nutrition and Mindset Coach

For Gia health and wellness have been an important part of her life. She has seen hundreds of lives transform simply by making adjustments in diet, exercise, and mindset. Gia has combined her passions and previous experiences to become a Dietless Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Rapid Transformational Therapist, and Massage Therapist.


It's her mission to share my passions with one incredible person at a time through mindset and wellness principles by helping people overcome unconscious patterns that keep them from attaining goals and becoming their best.


Gia offers achievable, lasting results, helping you to eliminate old patterns that are stopping you from achieving the results you want and rewriting your story, as well as breaking the negative habits that are holding you back and creating new ones that will give you the body and life you desire.

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